Upton Country Park
The Country Park
The estate boasts 160 acres of parkland, woodland and formal gardens bordered by the upper reaches of Poole Harbour at Holes Bay Nature Park, renowned for its wetland birds. All public access land is available to our couples for their wedding photos.
Upton House and the Walled Garden
The illustration below shows Upton House (5) in relation to the Walled Garden (2), the main car park* and footpaths.
*A separate Pay & Display car park with space for around 30 cars is reserved for wedding guests on wedding days; it is located approximately halfway up the main drive from Poole Road (indicated on the larger map below).
Upton House
Access to Upton House ground floor includes several steps; we have entrance/exit ramps for wheelchair & pushchair users and those with limited mobility. Only ground floor rooms are used for civil ceremonies and wedding receptions; facilities include disabled toilets, baby changing facilities and a hearing loop system.
In and around the Country Park
The Walled Garden is laid mainly to lawn, with hard surfaced paths at the perimeter. The Walled Garden and walkway up to the car park is well lit from just before dusk. Accessible toilets are located at the Welcome Centre (alongside the main the car park) and by the Tea Rooms (Radar key).
There is a network of hard-surfaced wheel-friendly footpaths throughout much of the park, marked on our maps below. There are also several kissing gates across the parkland and woodland areas, each is accessible with a Radar key.
Visual Guide
For further, detailed information please download our Visual Accessibility Guide, which has been designed to help you prepare for a visit to Upton House and Country Park.